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405 St. David Street

The subject site is part of a 3 phase development project.

Phase 1 contained 26 single family lots and seven semi-detached lots for a total of 40 lots which is already built and completed.


Phase 2 & 3 will include a total of 15 single detached residential lots and 56 unit stacked townhouse block. Single detached lots are fully serviced and draft plan approved and townhouse block is draft plan approved and pending Site Plan Approval.


The site also contains 36.78 acres of future development land located to the adjacent north of single detached lots and stacked hownhouse block. These lands are intended to be developed with commercial block, 168 apartment units, 124 stacked townhouses, 79 townhouses, 36 single lots and a marina.


The subject site, located in the north end of Lindsay, is situated at the north end of St. Peter Street and contains significant frontage onto the east side of the Scugog River. Access to the site is via St David Street, which travels though the industrial area to the south, and Simpson Road which extended into the sit

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